TRIGGER WARNING: If you are in a sensitive place, maybe grieving or feeling raw, you may want to skip the first 3 paragraphs of this writing.
It’s a beautiful autumn morning, sun peeking through the golden leaves. My little pup is confidently trotting on the end of his leash. We round the corner of our second block, passing a house with a big white gate.
All of the sudden, 2 BIG BLACK DOGS bust out of the gate! They attack and roll my sweet little pup – they bite down at his neck and at his tail end. He fights back and the struggle begins! Running! Rolling! Chasing! Catching! Barking! While I’m screaming at the top of my lungs for help, I start running, losing sight of them as they round the next corner. All I can think of is my sweet dog getting torn to shreds.
Finally, a good Samaritan asks how he can help. He takes off in the direction we last saw the dogs. As I approach my driveway, running, screaming, out of breath, one of the big black dogs is trotting towards me. Breathlessly, I run to the back yard, calling my dogs name. The good Samaritan spots him tucked away under a table by the back door. He is safe, barely injured! I crumple into a heap, sobbing.
And that is Scorpio, raw emotion, face to face with the ultimate fear, death. In the days that followed, I found myself replaying the scene, feeling deep emotions and processing. This experience brought up so much…so much feeling, thinking, why this, why that, observing. SO. MUCH. REFLECTION. And as any good astrologer would relate, all the subconscious stuff oozing forth.
This new moon in Scorpio on Nov. 1, at 7:47AM CDT, opens the door to all of it. Some very auspicious relationships accompany this dark moon, not the least of which is
6 out of 10 planets in water (super emotional and feeling),
New moon trine Saturn (perspective on maturity)
A grand trine in water that includes Mercury (to communicate) Neptune (spiritual inspiration) Mars (proper use of one’s will), Â
All pouring into a kite formation pointing at Pluto (the great transformer) in its last degrees in Capricorn. Â
The energy and feeling states are real and palpable. Can you feel it? Can we mature and move thru experiences that might have us stuck from this life or many other lives? Can we look in the face of death, with so much upheaval and division and apply the proper use of our power, energy and will? Can we learn to respond to crisis with clear, competent thinking and action?
To quote Steven Forrest, "...Sometimes what Scorpio uncovers is too much for him to face. That repressive mechanism is there for a reason....Too much self-knowledge is dangerous, at least if it comes so quickly that we lose perspective. But too little can be just as corrupting, especially if that lack arises because we intentionally hold something fearful or unpleasant out of consciousness...."
As one of my teachers would say, only you know for you, and I know for me. But let yourself feel the rawness of this transformation that sits at our doorstep. So much possibility…
Are you curious about how this plays out for you? I can help you find 9' of Scorpio (the degree of this new moon) in your natal chart. I also offer a simple 30 minute consultations where we can explore the BIG 3 for you (the Sun, Moon and Rising). Click here and make an investment in you.
With So Much Love from Me and the Stars,
#newmoon #newbeginning #scorpiointheshadows #breathdeep #makeawish #workwithyourfear #greattransformation